India’s productivity growth has significantly lagged that of China over the past couple decades, in large part due to a web of interrelated legal restrictions, market distortions, and counter-productive incentives that have warped the Indian economy’s allocation of resources and stifled the potential of the country’s workers and businesses.
For more on this topic, check out the India's unfinished revolution dispatch. Because India’s agricultural sector, land market, labor laws, and state-owned companies form a Gordian knot of interconnected dysfunction, solving any of these areas’ problems requires reforming all the others, as well.
For more on this topic, check out the India's unfinished revolution dispatch.
Previous dispatches provided a chronology of the lead-up to India’s 1991 crisis (“India before 1991: tiger caged”), examined the reforms unleashed by that year’s events (“India since 1991: tiger uncaged”), and explored India's highly favorable demographics ("Demographics").
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